12/5/2021 Competition and Performing Line Updates

Hello parents,

I hope you had a great weekend!

Congrats to our dancers on the Forest Lake and Chisago dance teams for a great showing at the FLDT invite yesterday! It was so nice to see so many DF family members past and present cheering on the teams!

It's SHOW WEEK!!! Make sure you have reviewed the RECITAL WEBSITE for all of the info for the big day!.

Assistants/Mentors- THANK YOU to our amazing dance assistants and mentors for all of your help in class! There is a gift for you at the front desk-please pick it up this week. Nathan and Zack you have a different gift than the girls:) Also, Zina will be sending out expectation info for the show sometime this week.

Banuet  training 12/11 and privates lessons -we have spots available for the 12/11 training. We have condensed it into one training from 10-noon. Gabriella is available for private lessons after the class. Let me know if you are interested!

Extra competition billing - If you signed up for Act 1 or In10sity, the billing will be on 12/15. Here are the prices:

Act 1 solo - $120, duet/trio-$65

Small group -$55

In10sity-$140 solo, $75 duet/trio


Shoes - All shoes have been picked out by the teachers, and the lists are in the studio store. Please make sure your child has the correct shoes for class.


Studio Too- is a boutique studio in Blaine, that has some great weekly classes that your dancer can drop into. It's meant to be in addition to your regular training. HERE is their website if you want to check it out!


Trainee lesson day - 12/28 - All of our lovely trainees, including our new ones Izzy and Hannah, will be at the studio available for lessons on 12/28 between 10-2. Lessons are $10 for 30 minutes. Sign up HERE (2 slots max per person). It's a great way to get some extra training/routine review over holiday break!

EVA IGO is back! - Eva will be at DF on 12/30 from 9AM-5PM to clean solos/duets/trios. Eva was the runner up on World of Dance! Sign up HERE for a slot (1 per dancer) 3 spots have been added! Each lesson is $50.

5 and 10 year students- Is your dancer celebrating their 5th or 10th year of dance? Our 5 year dancers receive a special plaque at the recital, and our 10 year dancers do a special routine and open each show! Please fill out THIS form if your dancer is celebrating one of these special milestones.


 Have a wonderful week!


Jennifer TellComment