5-30-2022 Competition and Performing Line Updates

Hello families!

I hope you had a lovely long weekend!

We are back at it this week to prepare for Nationals - yay!

Nationals practices are MANDATORY! We only have 2 weeks of practice and everyone needs to be at all practices unless cleared by Jennifer or Zina. If your dancer is attending the NHSDA ceremony on Wed, that is excused (and is a very short ceremony)/

Nationals Practice schedule- HERE

Honor Society induction ceremony - Wednesday, 6/1 at 6:30PM at Willowbrook Church.

Don't forget to sign up for the Banquet!- HERE

"Sponsor a Senior" - New Banquet tradition!

We will be starting a new tradition of having teams sponsor one of our seniors for the banquet We are asking that each team put a basket together with all things college/living away from home items in it. Spending limit is $50. Team parents, please help organize this! Bring the basket to the banquet to present to your assigned senior.

"sponsor a senior"Petite TeamSarah Barnes Mini Team/Troupe

Natalie Kampshoff

Senior Troupe/All StarsJenna Whiting CompanyKatie Boudewyns Teen TroupeLydia Ross Senior Line/Junior LineKenzie Byl

Petite Troupe Natalie Lundgren

Buddies - Don't forget to bring a gift to the banquet for your buddy! I also encourage you to find them at Nationals to go on a water slide! Also make time to go see them dance!

Nutcracker - it's back!!! We will be hosting auditions for the 2022 Nutcracker at the Orpheum

Trainee lessons - our trainees are available for you to book lessons with! Lessons are $12/lesson for 30 minutes. Here is their info:

Clara Tell - claratell@me.com

Julia Rheault - jfrheault2005@gmail.com

Karly Wiese-info to come next week

Hannah Theisen-info to come next week

Izzy Schumacher-info to come next week

Dre Kosobuski-info to come next week

Have a great week!


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