10/9/2022 Staff Updates

Hello staff!

I hope you are having a great weekend!!


-there will be recital themed sunglasses for you to hand out. They will be in each room. Front desk- could you re-stock each night?

-the photo booth and new “Legends” banner will be set up. Please encourage your kids to take pictures and/or come out and do a class pic!

-with your older classes, maybe some trivia or talking about different artists who are considered legends

-the front desk staff is hanging records for every student! Lets leave these up all this week and let the kids take them home next week.

-have fun!!!!

Band expectations - Band accounts have been set up for every rec class. Zina invited each of you to your Band for each class. Make sure you check in and say “hi” to parents, post any Holiday show/spring show choreo, and any pics you take throughout the year.

Stay active on it, even if it’s just to say “hey parents we had a great class today,” or “reminder to have your dancer put their hair up before class."

Shoes style/colors for competition students -COMPETITION SHOE CHOICES ARE DUE 10/14 (FRIDAY). Please stop into the store to let Shelly know what you have chosen, or send her an email.Kelle and Glamour due 10/14 - Costumes from Kelle and Glamour are due on 10/14, these catalogs take a long time to ship!Last names on privates - Please put your student’s LAST NAME on your timesheets for your private lessons. We have several kids with the same first name:)Have a great week!!! Front desk could you also take some candid shots?Jennifer

Jennifer TellComment