2/13/2023 Competition and Performing Line Updates

Hello parents,


I hope you had a great weekend!!! We are headed into our season!! So exciting! All students must be in full attendance and not sitting out in order to participate (unless it has been cleared with Jennifer or Zina). Absences are checked weekly, and your contract allows for 4 absences January-May. It's important that all students are participating fully to have a successful season!


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Jennifer TellComment
1/9/2023 Competition and Performing Line Updates

Hello parents!

I hope you had a great weekend!! We are getting really close to our season! Now is the time where your dancer should have all of their choreography memorized. Our teachers will be reaching out to parents if we feel your dancer needs some extra help or focused practice time at home to get the choreography down. This is the time in the season where we start cleaning and perfecting routines! Thank you for your help in reminding your dancer to practice at home!

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Jennifer TellComment
12/12/2022 Competition and Performing Line Updates

Hello parents,

We had an amazing day of shows yesterday! Thank you for all of your help to make it happen. I appreciate all of you! If you helped out backstage or with security, your credits will go on your account before 12/15. The dancers did great!! So fun to see them on stage for the first time this year.

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Jennifer TellComment