2/6/2022 Competition and Performing Line Updates

Hello parents!

What a wonderful weekend of dance! Routines are coming along and the dancers did a great job! Keep practicing!! Please make sure you have the correct accessories, tights, and make up! Make up should be coming in very soon.

Best hair pins for twist bun-we recommend hair pins rather than bobby pins for your dancer’s bun. You can get them HERE.


NUVO-for those attending Nuvo - we should have a schedule soon. Stay tuned!

Private acro lessons with Steph! Sign up HERE-

New plan for optional Nationals! - The Celebrity Dance Cruise is not going to work this year. Maybe another year! We are going to check the On Point competition in Virginia Beach, VA 7/5-10. Zina met the On Point staff at the teacher convention in Vegas this past summer. Very nice and they are waiving any video entries to come to Nationals. This is for solos, duets, and trios only, and is completely optional.

Virginia Beach Nationals - https://www.onpointdancecompetition.com/nationals-venue-hotels/#prev

Fill out interest form HERE

Have a great week!


Jennifer TellComment