9/20/2021 Competition and Performing Line Updates!

Hello parents,

It was a great first week of dance! It was especially fun revealing our theme for production - PARTY!!!

Extra solo/duet/trio competitions - Act 1 3/18-20 and In10sity 4/1-3 - Please fill out THIS form if you are interested in this extra opportunity! Billing will be on 11/15 .

Correction from last week - Nuvo competition is 2/18-20 (not 2/25-27)

Small groups- We WILL be bringing our small groups to Act 1 3/18-20! Thank you for your feedback on the google form. Mark your calendars! Billing will be on 12/15.

New Pointe class! - Miss Leta is excited to get our Pointe program off the ground again. If you were approved for pointe with Miss Taylor, you are eligible for this class. Otherwise you will have to get Leta's approval to join. Students must be at least 12 years old to start pointe. There may be a pre-pointe option for age 11. Stay tuned for that!

Class will start on Friday, 10/1 3:45-4:45

Cost per month is $25

Register online!

Innovate Dance Event - 1/28-30/2022- All of our competition and performing line students (except Mini Team) will participate in the Innovate Dance Event. The event includes performing routines for feedback, dance classes, an educational class, and community service project. Our DF students will participate on SUNDAY, 1/30. There is an optional Friday night 1/28 option for solos/duets/trios which includes performing for feedback from a panel of adjudicators, and 2 dance classes. Cost is $100 for Friday night for one routine, add $25 for each additional routine. Please sign up HERE if you are interested. Billing for this will be on 12/15. Cost for 1/30 group day has already been figured into your Balanced Billing fees.

If you are interested in staying at the Hyatt Regency Downtown, where the event is being held, please book with the Innovate hotel discount code ($139) - https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/MSPRM/G-INND

Bands - If you purchased bands from Gabriela Banuet, please always have them in your dance bag. We might use them sometimes for jazz tech classes.

Zoom- We will have Zoom available for classes if a student has Covid or is in quarantine. We will have it set up by 10/1. Parents need to contact the studio if you need us to set up Zoom, we will not automatically have it on in each room.

Banuet Monthly classes - We have a few spots left for the 9/25 Banuet master class. Cost is $70 for 2 hours. Sign up HERE

October class - 10/30 2:30-4:30 and 4:30-6:30

November class- 11/13 - 10-noon, noon-2:00

December class - 12/11 -10-noon, noon-2:00

January class-1/15 10-noon, noon-2:00


Dress code- HERE is the updated dress code info

Twin Cities Tap Festival 10/21-24 - Consider sending your dancer to some classes during the TC Tap Festival! It's an AWESOME experience. You can register for one class, or take several.

Sign up at: https://www.twincitiestap.com/schedule

Have a great week!


Jennifer TellComment