1/17/2022 Competition and Performing Line Updates (Copy)

I hope you had a great weekend and are staying healthy!

We are getting closer to our first official performance at Innovate!! Below you will find important info about the event. It's getting real!! 

Tights/accessories/makeup requirement - HERE are the requirements per team for tights and accessories. HERE is the info about make up for this year. Please note we are changing the make up this year, but you can still use your old make up. 

Please order all tights and accessories at the STORE!

Lipstick will be separate from the make up kid and can be found HERE. Color is Androgyny


Innovate Dance Event - 1/28 solo/duet/trios, 1/30 groups - All of our groups except for Mini Team will be attending on Sunday. We are so excited!! Check out www.innovatedanceevent.com for the teaching staff for 2022! It's going to be amazing!


Read HERE for all of the info you will need for Innovate.  Let me know if you have any questions.



Innovate waiverHERE. Please sign and return the above waiver by 1/15! You can scan and print out, or send back to me via email.


Dress rehearsal - We are working on this schedule for 2/4-5 and should have it out by the end of this week! Dress rehearsal is at Stillwater Middle School.


Injuries- Dancers will need to be dancing 100% 2-3 weeks before each performance to be able to compete. This is a safety precaution for everyone. We need time to re-do formations if a dancer will be out due to injury. This will give us enough time to do that. Thanks for your understanding! This does not apply to dancers out with Covid. 

Covid protocol - I am now following the CDC guidelines for covid. Please refer to THIS if your child is sick or has a family exposure - 


Private acro lessons: HERE is a sign up sheet for private acro lessons with Miss Steph


Evaluations - you should have received your child's fall evaluation by now. Email me if you have not!


Have a great week!!



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Jennifer TellComment