9/5/2022 Staff Updates
Hello staff!!
I hope you are enjoying the “last" weekend of summer! Summer always flies by.
Fall class update-Last year at this time we had 304 students, today we are at 358! We are 17 students from our 375 goal!!! Keep being awesome!
Welcome week- Please use this week to get extra prepared for the first week of classes. Classes start on 9/12. Remember to greet parents, step out into the hallway at the end of class to say goodbye, and be extra energetic and warm in class. Name tags will be in each of your mailboxes pre-filled out for all of your rec classes. Make sure you grab those.
Dress code-a copy of this will be in your binders. See it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oAbqaTjE_1rvCpcfGe8zqeDjubd_mS_yu7J_2OyNDMI/edit?usp=sharing
You might have kids trying out classes who are not on your roster. That is totally fine and expect this throughout the fall. If a student is coming week after week, please confirm with the front desk that they are officially registered.
Have a great week!